Wednesday, January 30, 2008

thank you Kraft.

Why am I eating spongebob squarepants mac and cheese at 11:30 at night?

Well it’s because I slept today. A great big nap that went from 4:30 to 8-ish. This is because today was miserable. I was miserable the weather was colder than god’s hate. Well it wasn’t really that cold but cold enough to make me feel worse. I had woken up at 6:30 this morning to not being able to really breathe through my nose or ignore the sharp pain in my jaw. My nasal sinus/ toothache congestion has now progressed to a less specific but equally annoying pain of the entire right side of my jaw. On top of it all I should be started my period soon and therefore in looking back on this Wednesday I will discover much of my unhappiness is to hormones. I must have been real sour looking at work. Because two of my co-workers gave me the half hug or pat on the back and saying to feel better, which is appreciated. But man I must have been cranky. So after work, I came home put on my biggest pair of pajama pants and my biggest hoodie and took a nap. Didn’t take long to fall asleep either so I knew I needed it.

I just hope this clears up before or during the weekend I hate feeling like poop for longer than 4 days. And Jami is coming into town so that’s exciting. I don’t want to be sick and ruin her visit or get her sick. That would stink.

I’ve been reading this book called “Love is a Wild Assault” written by Elithe Hamilton Kirkland. It’s not a wildly popular book but that’s probably because it’s very specific. It’s about a woman in the time of the Texas revolution. More specifically, East Texas. The book is very romantic in the way that it paints the picture of Texas and also how poetic the main character feels for her surrounding and the people around her too. So unless you want to read about a romantic Texas woman, don’t bother. But I can’t wait to finish it so I can talk to my mom about it. The copy of the book that I have was actually my grandmother’s (mom’s mom). And it’s funny that there’s a little note in it that’s in my grandmothers writing but I have no idea what it says because her handwriting consists of a horizontal line with a few loops thrown in for fun. Anyways, my mom said something about us being related to the main character, which I just don’t believe. But whatever. I’ll let you know when I find out.

I wonder what matt and I will do for spring break when that comes up… I’m already itchin to get out of here. I think a drive to the east coast would be fun. See Washington DC, and stuff around there….

Sunday, January 27, 2008

tell me about it!

My teeth no longer hurt in the way they used to. There’s a whole new way of hurting in which they are only in pain when I chew, or brush them, or touch them. So this sucks. I’ve been taking medicine and pain killers to try to clear this up quicker but I don’t know. I feel weird taking too many pills… like I might mess myself up.

Anyways, Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back is on. Now I’m not a huge crazy fan of star wars but I find it intriguing. I love watching the visual effects, they’re awesome, puppets and small models, midgets inside metal encasings; stop motion capture is so amazing. It has a sort of clumsy grace to it that is enjoyable to me.

Been keeping up with working out and trying to eat less. So hopefully I can keep that up. It’s easy to eat less when you want to rip your fucking teeth out of your mouth!

I saw Cloverfield- it was f-in’ nuts. I liked it though. It was non-stop, it was so nerve wracking. But I liked it- it made me look forward to the continuation of Lost the tv series to top all ridiculous tv series. When you watch the show it makes complete sense but as soon as you try to explain what’s going on to someone else you sound like a crazy person. That’s when you know it’s a good show.

Raisins are delicious. The softer they are the better. God bless Sun-Maid®.

Han Solo is such a pimp. “I love you” “I know.” Who says that? A pimp, that’s who.

Ok I gotta go and take some ibuprofen. Ugh.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

my teef hurts

Did Rivers/Weezer know that island in the sun would be used so much for so many lame things. I will say though that the music video for it with the animals is by far the most adorable thing that can exist in a “rock” band music video.

Um what else? Oh today I was going to work out but I fell asleep and it was so cold out that I didn’t want to leave my little cocoon of warmth. So I just slept. It was nice but I feel worthless. I bought some SlimfFst for shits. But I am trying to eat just less in general. And take my vitamins! So I don’t get sick.

Speaking of being sick I’ve been a little stuffy in the head. And on the right side of my mouth on the upper jaw some teeth hurt. And they just started hurting like 3 or 4 days ago. And I hope to GOD that it’s just that my congestion is pushing on a nerve or something. It hurts the most when I’m kind of stuffy in the nose so I assume it’s just all my brain tubes attached and being bitches. But I bought some Orajel- which is a delightful product that numbs you gums and teeth. It’s just like the stuff the dentist puts on your gums before the Novocain shot. So in conclusion Orajel is amazing. It only works for a little while but it’s such a delightful odd sensation. I just hope the hurting teeth goes away when I’m not so stuffy or else I’m going to have to figure out how to get to a dentist and ugh!!! I hate it.

In other news: Heath Ledger died at age 28. Truly too bad, and a complete shock. It just sucks so much, he wasn’t a shit show or a train wreck. So sad. I hope this doesn’t ruin the work that he’s done. anyways that’s all for now.

Monday, January 21, 2008

cooper troopa

The headlight bulb went out in my car today. Which is such a bummer. Owning a Mini Copper is rough. And I will explain why. The mini cooper being a “nice” car I feel like I should really take care of it. It’s so precious because it’s so small and expensive. I, being a girl of small means, feel inadequate when it comes to the up keep of my precious Mini. And I can’t help it that my car has a wreckage title because its life has been hard. Here is its story told in creepy first person.

Hi, I’m Becca’s car. But I wasn’t always with her. First I was bought for some spoiled kid in LA, CA. No joke. And I was fairly pimped out for said spoiled girl, seat warmers, sun and moon roof. But somehow, and really I try to block out of my memory hoe, I was stolen. It sucked I was driven pretty hard and fast and not treated very well. I thought I was a goner, but the police found me and tried to return me to the spoiled kid but she had already replaced me with a new mustang. How tacky. Anyways, so the cops sold me at auction and a guy bought me who sells cars on ebay. I was then bought by Becca’s parents on ebay. So then I was cleaned up and sold and Becca and her mom flew to LA and drove me back to Texas. It was rought going there for a while but I survived and I can’t help it that every once in a while I’m falling apart.

Now that it has told you its story I will tell you all the general up keep/ signs that it’s falling apart.
-4 new tires- minimum price for Mini tires around $100 (2 of those tires were because of flats and not normal wear)
-Breaks redone or something I don’t know my dad took care of that
-Battery replaced when completely died one day
-Oil light goes on when car goes into idle
-It has happened I think 2 times that my car completely dies and the only way to get it back is to turn it all off and turn it back on- one time this happened while I was in Chicago while I was in the middle of an intersection!
-I think the logo on the back of the mini is missing the black part around the word mini… I think…
-My car always looks dirty to me
-Sometimes it smells like Za’s food (completely my fault)

That’s all I can think of for now. But you see what I mean. I love my car, I love that I have a car. Is it weird to have a guilt complex over a car? When I have a million dollars I won’t feel bad at all but right now- poor thing. I want to be able to make it better, stronger, faster. The 6 million dollar Mini Cooper.

Also I thought it’d be cool if I had the money and were feeling silly enough to custom paint my car with like a turtle shell on the roof and take the racing strips off and have like a golden yellow trim around the bottom or something and have my license place say “troopa”. Get it? Mini Cooper? I will now Photoshop my way into you believing me. This should be good.



Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hello children,
I write to you today to say nothing of importance but something/anything at the very least.
I’m still working and it’s going fine- I had asked for more hours so my days are from around 10 to 3 which isn’t awful but it’s a lot of standing. And I still work out, almost everyday, I try to only give myself one day off a week. I hope this whole exercise thing works.

I got “The Complete Animals” album because I decided after watching this delightful movie called “Pop Gear” that I have a huge crush on the lead singer of the Animals. He’s so cute. Mmm- British invasion ass. I wish everybody could watch pop gear- it’s an amazing film. Amd matt and I even talked about how it would be awesome to make a remake and have modern artists cover these practically unknown 60’s pop songs.

Now that I’ve really set out to write an entry I’ve got nothing to write about. Because this is my daily schedule:
Wake up
Go to work
Come home
Go work out
Watch TV
Do daily jigsaw or sudoku
Go to sleep.

Hence why I’ve got nothing to talk about. Except food I make and tv I watch- I got nothing.

Friday, January 11, 2008

crazy good.

The funny thing to do when you work out is bring a pop tart bag for all your stuff. A pop tart bag that took 4 proofs of purchases and 3 dollars to ship to me. I love that bag. It’s hilarious.

That’s right- I joined a gym. I’m fat and lazy and not going to take it anymore. So I joined a gym for a small fee and it’s only 20 dollars a month and it’s only month to month so that’s nice. And so far I’m been pretty good the first week I was a member I went 4 out of 5 days. And at least 2 miles each time. Also funny about the place is that they had to take my picture for their records or something. So naturally I give a biggest goofiest grin I could when the girl was taking the picture and I think she appreciated it. I like the girls that work behind the front desk the one there today was real nice when I came in. She asked if I did get my picture taken- she had remembered me? I guess I’m the only pizza face young lady to be in there who obviously is hilarious because of the pop tart bag.

But now that I’m working out I need the rock to bring me there. By the rock I mean music to work out to. So far the biggest punch in the gut awesome album is the Hives’ newest album. Exquisite in how pumpin it is. I’m sure I’ll find more great, good things to listen to while I elliptical my but off or pump some of that sweet iron.

I just saw Juno, it was good. It was cute and made me cry. Like a stupid. More and more I’m turning into my father when it comes to crying at movies (meaning that he and I both tear up at practically anything because we are lame). I think my mom does too now that I think about it. Okay so I’m just getting old and sensitive. Oh well. But anyways- I liked it. The casting was perfect the photography was pretty cool too. The soundtrack was given to me by Dan (friend who I saw it with) and will definitely be listened to whilst in the car.

Matt has a runny nose. All men are babies when it comes to being sick. I’m not saying that I don’t complain, but at least I don’t refuse to blow my nose.

I talked to my mom the other day- it had been a while and it was great. I miss my parents they’re so awesome for so many reasons. I don’t know if they know how much I do appreciate how crazy wonderful they are.

How about these fucking politics that I accept being crammed down my throat. Living in Illinois I have to like Obama but how could you not? I think he probably smells really good and has nice hands. I definitely need to register to vote to add to the loud voice of my age bracket, who are all about Barack. It’s going to be a very interesting year in terms of politics and CNN’s bitching special effects.

Oh my god at work today I had to work drive thru. It was awful. The system they have sucks and I couldn’t hear shit and so most of the time I asked them to drive to the window to give me the order. It was such a pain in the butt. And the headset hurt. But today was just a shit day at work in general there were 4 people running the whole cafĂ© and it was just way too busy.

But oh well. I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight. Matt and I took a nap today but it was just hopeless. I love the sleep when you know you don’t have to wake up.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

now i know what it's like to be a gorilla

Here I am at wpgu 1071- radio station to the heart of Champaign/ Urbana. I’m sitting in the dj’s booth, which is street level, and right on Green Street and busiest street in campus town and people, strange people are looking in. I try not to look at them but sometimes I can’t help it. It’s just like being at a zoo, but who’s in the cage? Ooooo weird.

I walked here to the radio station and I realized almost immediately how I should have worn different socks and different shoes. And the weather is SO warm it was so nice. It’s like 61 degrees Fahrenheit. And CNN described the weather as 61 and dreary. How silly this weather reminds me of a couple of things- Florida during Christmas time while visits grandparents, also reminds me of a moist (and I know some people hate that word but it works) days in Europe somewhere. And the air smells slightly sweet and then again the wind picks up and you smell the south farms, which smells like cow poop. So I guess that COULD be sweet smelling. If you were in a particularly reminiscent mood and you grew up on a farm.

But I digress, then again that's all I do on here.

I listened to Michael Ian Black’s album “I’m a wonderful man” and he is so funny. I would dare say probably funnier than the other members of Stella on their own.

God bless Carmex. Have you ever tried this lip balm- and not just the pot of the stuff I’m talking the click stick and the flavors. I got strawberry! Strawberry, the best of artificial flavorings.

My dreams have been very messed up lately. One night was influenced by my watching of the legend of Zorro- so bizarre. And then last night I feel a tinge of “bender’s big score” (which was as always hilarious and I can’t wait for the next Futurama movie installments) present in my dream. I don’t mind having f-ed up dreams but I hate trying to reconstruct them in my head when I wake up.

I want the next few months to just fly by as if they were completely of no consequence but I know they wont- stupid time.

Also I think strangers are funny but not in person, in person I know I would think they’re annoying and probably unattractive for some obscure Seinfeldian reason. I love you Larry David.

Friday, January 4, 2008

holidays are over

Here’s the pitch slow and straight all I have to swing and I’m a hero.

Anyways! It’s been a while I know- and there’s good reason- the holidays.

Matt and I went down to Texas to hang out with my parents. It was great. We decorated the tree and ate a bunch of really good food. We also saw this cool ice thing at the Gaylord Texan where like 50 Chinese ice sculptors put together an exhibit that they had to keep at 9 degrees Fahrenheit. So they gave everybody these big gold jackets it was a hoot- plus they had giant ice slides you could go down. I will say however that most of the people around us in line and just going through the exhibit made me want to shoot them. They were the rich stupid and beautiful type- ick. I prefer the poor ugly and smart any day. If you don’t know what I mean then I’ll take you to north Dallas and you can see what I mean. Anyways! In Texas we did something that was also kick ass. They sell fireworks starting on the 20th of December so we got a bunch of fireworks and set them off the end of my parent’s dock over the lake at the lake house. It was beautiful and fun to do. One even chased Matt it was pretty funny. Well then later Matt left to go to his home and that left just me and the fam, which was great. Christmas was a great time and I just love Christmas day. Giving gifts and receiving silly things. Like a oversized badminton set that my dad, mom, and brother and I all played with around the pool. Anyways! Then after a couple of days I flew up to Matt’s home of Quincy, IL. We figured that if he had to stay with my family that I would just have to spend time with his family. So Quincy had so many things to offer- late night truck stop eateries, and avenue of lights, the awesome mall, and we went to a brewery restaurant, which was great. It was a lot of fun. And oh we went to the casino close to town- I started with 10 bucks and ended with 10.18. Sweet! After the charms of small town Illinois we came back to Urbana.

And then it was time for Festivus. All old friends came into town and it was great! We exchanged gifts and drank (heavily). It was new years eve and we drank champagne at midnight out of plastic cups and measuring cups ( I didn’t want to use to glass incase someone was particularly cheery). It was so great and between three cameras I think we covered the party. Haha maybe I’ll have pictures up on facebook or something soon.

And so by now most everybody from the party has left town to go back to their cities and jobs. So it’s quiet and boring now. But that’s okay. It’s nice to have our apartment back to ourselves.

I’ve been thinking of joining a fitness center because I need more exercise but I’m so tired after work that I don’t know if I’d use it… I’m going to continue to think about it.

Singing ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhh ahhhh aaaaaaaaah.