Monday, March 31, 2008

oh jesus.

So it’s getting bad. I was looking at wedding dresses on David’s bridal online. And I had to register to look at a whole color scheme for the whole wedding party. God I hope matt never reads this. It scares him enough… but what got me thinking was that Emily is going to be in Amanda’s wedding and that’s so exciting. And I would just want my wedding to be cute and pretty. Nothing extravagant but nice. Sigh. I was thinking of an early summer wedding and that way the colors could be kind of bright. Or at least give myself the option to have it outside somewhere beautiful or something… I don’t know.

I gotta stop blogging about things that I don’t even talk about out loud. Yikes.

Ice cream sounds like such a good idea right now, but I don’t have any. Maybe I’ll just make some chocolate milk. Not a bad idea.

Tomorrow is April fools. Hilarious. -said sarcasticly

Saturday, March 29, 2008

romanticism is for suckers

So I finally finished a book that I actually started when I was in high school. I recently dug it up and had to finish it, starting form the beginning that is. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it on here somewhere. “Love is a Wild Assault” is all about a woman in the Texas frontier and making bad decisions about love. It’s good but man was it aggravating. The way things were handled back then. The way women were treated and the social constraints, just boggles my mind. And there’s so many parts where you just wanted the heroine to get her own gun and start shooting some sense into men. But that’s a little drastic. I want all my girlfriends to read this book, if a boy reads it he might vomit. It’s definitely a literary chick flick. But if you are a male and hopelessly romantic and curious about the Texas in the days of when it was it’s own country, go for it.

Also today I watched “Sleepless in Seattle”. It’s just a rock a block Saturday full of romantic fiction! So good. Tom Hanks. *sigh*. Today also was like tom hanks day on tv, not only was “Seattle” on, but so was “Catch me if you Can” and “Cast Away”, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was more than that. But reminds me. I also recently watched “Disturbia” staring Shia Labeouf. Movie= meh. Mr. Labeouf= perfect. And then I looked him up online, just ya know imdb is a beautiful thing. And there was a thing about how Steven Spielberg liked him because he reminded him of a young Tom Hanks! So watch out Matt.

After working out today I really wished that I could be swimming laps. I love being in the water and being in the pool means that it’s nice enough outside to be outside. Plus I could sit out in the sun. I think I need to start tanning again or something. It’s getting rough not getting some UVA’s and UVB’s. or at the very least a slight chance of cancer. And besides with all the time on my hands my job should be to look good and if that doesn’t work out then I’ll start reading more. Or both would be ideal. Good looking AND smart- yikes. As I told my good friend Jeff- I’d be unstoppable.

And now a quote from my day, from one of the best romantic comedies of all time:
"Verbal ability is a highly overrated thing in a guy, and it's our pathetic need for it that gets us into so much trouble."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

dont bother reading...

I realized that on this “blog” I can hardly keep on a point for longer than two lines… I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m not super passionate about something lately. Nothing has happened to me and that’s what makes people interesting isn’t it? Stuff that’s happened to them? I came to this conclusion after watching a show called “Real Housewives of New York City” a ridiculous sequel show to the “Real Housewives of Orange County”. And this one woman said something like ‘my husband and I love to meet new and interesting people all the time.” What? So I started to think about what makes someone interesting especially to people of different economic persuasions. To this woman living in the upper west side interesting means speaking a different language being from europe or having enough money to donate new “wings” to buildings and stuff like that. (Ted Danson is ‘anonymous’!!). Anyways.

Talked to Sara today on the phone. Loved it! She’s always all about the free. Which I agree is both tasty and incredible. Just like cereal is delicious and fantastic.

See? I can’t focus on a subject for very long. I get too distracted with the tv and my own mind and the internets…

Got I hate a lot of people. Sorry I was distracted just now by facebook. And there is a new feature that’s like “people you might know”. And it’s like I’m not friends with these people for a reason. Man. Fuuuuck.

I don’t even know if I should post this it’s so fragmented and dumb. Shit. Ok that’s it.

Monday, March 24, 2008

SB 4 evs

Hey kids! Had a great spring break once we got through the flooding rain waters of mid America and through matt’s sickness. We got to Texas and my parents were great and we went to a Dallas Star’s game, which was great. Oh man the memories! They lost the game but it was good time anyways. What else did we do? We went to the arboretum in Dallas because “Dallas Blooms”. A big showcase of springtime flowers- so gorgeous. So many little kids running around. And moms taking pictures of kids in front of flowers… it was so nice. And I got to have dinner with Stef! So great! I wish we still lived in the same town, and then again I feel that way about all my friends. Oh also my car got fixed, a bunch of stuff was slightly wrong and now it’s mostly all right. Then we went out to the lake house where we did absolutely nothing. We did however play with potato guns, glow sticks, and my hair.

Ok, a while back I dyed my hair what the box called “brown black” and as soon as I did it I regretted it. I like my goldie brown locks I don’t know what came over me. So while in Texas my mom had her hair stylist fix my color for me. it took about 2 hours and turned out just the way I wanted it. My hair is finally back to brown. And she said it would fade to be perfect in like a week. So thank god. I never want to mess with my hair again! Mainly because I never want to spend more than 30 minutes in a hair salon ever again. Those women are nuts.

My brother shot some potatoes out of a potato gun which was hilarious. And also I took some crazy pictures at night while we were playing with some glow sticks. Also putting glow sticks in a fire- pretty cool looking.

I guess I should get pictures up on facebook or something.

But now I’m home. I have considerably less money than when I left and it’s cold here. Booo! Hissss!

Monday, March 17, 2008

day one

First day of travel on spring break trip ‘08
Driving started at about 3 o’clock after work and getting a very pouty and sick Matt going. Driving started out in cold rain that was pretty hard and ended in even harder rain in Ozark, MO. I mean like flash flooding here in Ozark, it’s ridiculous. I hope my car doesn’t get swooshed away.

Anyways so tomorrow is supposed to be thunderstormy still like all the way down to Dallas. Not cool, weather. But whatever, as long as I can get us down there in one piece, I’ll be happy.

I also want Matt to feel better… his miscellaneous groans of sickness are 1) annoying 2) distracting 3) make me feel sorry for him.

But once in Dallas I have a few things that I want to do- go to the arboretum because dallas is in bloom! See Stef for dinner. Get car slightly fixed. Hang with parents and bro and Matt.

I just wish the weather wasn't so crappy. Oh well...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

friends of saturday lover

A Saturday full of beautiful, crystal-clear nothing.

Well spring break has officially started for U of I students. And I’m not a student but my significant other is, so I celebrate it as well. And we have quasi-planned a trip down to Texas where the weather forecast is a high of around 70 and sunny. Perfect! So matt and I are planning to leave on Monday, after I get a couple of hours of work in and a paycheck we’ll leave. And we’re going to break up the trip down to Texas and we have to pick a town to stop in. and we’re thinking of driving through the Ozarks which are beautiful but I think it’s supposed to be rainy so boo. But still it’ll be nice to not be on interstates the entire way.

This past week has been boring. Matt’s had like a million exams or assignments and he even had a job interview in Rockford, IL. So while he was working his engineer butt off I’ve been going to work, coming home, falling asleep on the couch and then feeling lamer than lame. I work out here and there but nothing to make me feel less gross.

I say this all the time but it’s still true. I miss friends. Here are their names in no particular order and what they brought to the table.
Sara- RA-diculousness and can pretty much quote any quote I can quote. And is real good at “hanging out” and talking about “nothing” AND she’s a good gossip. Which sounds awful but it’s not- it’s one the best/worst features of our group of friends.
Emily- also ridiculous but to an nth degree. Loves the word incredulous because I used it to describe her. Easy to distract her which is fun because she’s probably the busiest person I know.
Casey- stupid, smelly boy. But probably one of the most appreciative persons of humor I know. Will and can be a complete goon if provoked. Eats with muumuus on. Also good at acting like one of the girls. He’s a great person to be around, it SUCKS not being a block away, or living in the same building.
Jami- I see her more often than the rest, which is just fine by me. We can also talk about nothing for hours and it’s great. I would love to have Jami around all the time for the rest of my life. Haha I just had this crazy image of her and I being like moms together and having our kids go to the same school… sorry I’m crazy and creepy. But it’d be so fun!
Ryan- talk about goon. I prefer the Ryan with Casey and Pocket next to him. Because when those boys are together, they are pretty great to be around. Conversations about the technicalities of comic book characters, movies, zombies and what have you are pretty normal and considered important. Ryan is the most adult person, with a real job and a real salary.
Pocket- oh poskit in Thailand. Very sweet but kind of moody. Hehe, but would we have him any other way? No. I could say plenty about pocket that would sound schmaltzy. (p.s. Microsoft word just spell checked the word schmaltzy… incredible) but if I had to put it in a few words I’d say Pocket is genuine. See? All schmaltz.
Jeff- I’m so glad I befriended Jeff sophomore year. It’s hard to describe jeff without sounding like I’m completely in love with him. *sigh* haha. But so it goes- he’s student teaching right now which is great. Jeff + kids= Larry David + black people. Jeff laughs at a lot of things and that’s why I like him so much.

Ho hum, other people could be named and who I like seeing and being around but I’m loosing focus. Because I drank some coffee… I don’t know why. I don’t even like coffee that much but it seemed like a great idea. Also it made me wish had an espresso machine to steam some milk. My parents have one maybe I can take it. I get to see them soon!!! Yay! And my brother!!! yay!!! All I have to do is making through the next couple of days. But for now I'm just enjoying a Saturday.

Monday, March 10, 2008

escaping through movies and reality

“The Day After Tomorrow” is a thrilling and spectacular disaster movie in which global warming triggers a new ice age. << says my cable guide. I like this movie. It’s ridiculous. Jake Gyllenhaal is sooo good looking. Plus natural disasters are always entertaining as long as they’re not real and not happening to you.

I also watched “Paris je t’aime”, which I found very enjoyable. I suggest if you haven’t seen it- you should. It’s about all these different types of love. And it’s 14 different vignettes- 21 different directors, and they’re all 5 minutes long. And some made me cry, it only took 5 minutes to get me emotionally involved with some characters. Amazing. Some of course were better than others but on a whole it was good. My parents are going to Paris in May. Isn’t that romantic? Hehe I hope they have their own love story time there.

Speaking of vacations- spring break in about a week. I took work off for it but I’m still not sure of my plans. Yes I want to go to some place warm. And in all honestly it’s looking more and more like Texas. Because 1) once there a lot of things are free. Like food and shelter. 2) I don’t think there’s much of a chance for snow down there even though last week I think there were like 3 inches one day. (Though I’m pretty sure it melted 2 days later) 3) my brother sent me a text message saying that next time I’m down there we need to build a potato gun. I agreed.

Woah I just got totally distracted by looking turquoise earrings on ebay. I’m just trying to find something to buy for 15.50 USD. What could I possibly need? Oh the possibilities!!! Any suggestions?

Anyways I guess that’s all for now. I’m ready for something…

Monday, March 3, 2008

was the arc of the covenant a drum?

Hi, how are ya?

Well last night I was real bored and real lazy so I didn’t do anything all day except get some movies from the library and go to target to get some shampoo and face wash and shit like that. Anyways! So I was bored and thinking to myself “Self, you are so pale!” and I knew I had some spray sunless tanner left over from something… I’m a girl I just accumulate these sort of things. So I sprayed my legs and my arms and some of my torso. I didn’t think it’d be super noticeable. So this morning. My legs looked fine, even and all. But at my arms it gets a little wonky. It’s not super noticeable, no one said anything. But I was embarrassed. Oh well it’ll fade in like a day or two. But man I want to be tan and have lighter hair. My tones are all mixed up. Skin wants to be darker, hair wants to be lighter.

Also I’m watching something on the discovery channel and Nostradamus is totally macking on some window. Like hard-core sexual tension! Woot.

I ate some tuna fish and some fell onto my hair… now I think my hair smells like tuna.

“ ‘see ya’ he writes like people talk!” – thanks sara

I worked out today and burned 500 calories… isn’t that exciting?

I dyed a hoodie. A white hoodie into what Rit called “cocoa brown” and it turned into a purpley brown. Like a puce. Which is okay I guess… not what I wanted but who knows… maybe I’ll fall in love with it. or more likely give it away within a year.

To answer the title of this post- national geographic says probably!! I watch a lot of tv.