Sunday, April 6, 2008

more pseudoephedrine, please

Things I did on that list
Paid rent
Rented some movie
-No Country for Old Men
-Dan in Real Life
And today I went to the grocery store for dinner.

I woke up this morning at around 4:30 am because my throat hurt super bad. And I don’t know if you’ve ever woken up because of a sore throat but man it’s discerning. So I went to the kitchen and drank some hot water and took some NyQuil. The liquid kind. It was awful. I hate that stuff. The gel caps I can handle- pills are great. But the liquid tastes like liquid poop. Ugh. So after drinking more water to wash out the flavor I got to sleep pretty easily. But I woke up and I felt like shit. So today I spent most of the time sleeping and being in pajamas. Oh well I just hope tomorrow I’m okay for work.

In other news: No Country For Old Men was fucked up. And Matt and I didn’t “get” it. but I feel a lot like I did after seeing There Will Be Blood. But I watched Dan in Real Life and I cried. So typical, sucha smaltzy ending. I mean he gets the job and the girl and the family. I mean it all works out. It was great! It’s exactly what it should have been. And there are still so many more movies I want to watch. But paying to watch movies is lame. Thank you library for spoiling me.

I need more drugs. Also cookies and ice cream where made for each other.

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