Friday, August 29, 2008

earlier, now, later

I fill my cup of coffee and then add a hot cocoa mix too it. It’s the easiest way to have a sort of not really but still tastier to my child like palate mocha latte in my tiny apartment. Yum.

Oh, by the way earlier this week, Jami, Celina and I went to the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art. It was free because it was Tuesday, which is always great. But there was the exhibit on Jeff Koons. Really interesting stuff. My favorite things were the super metallic sculptures and the inflatable pool toys that were actually made out of aluminum and integrated into other metal things (i.e. ladders, chain link, industrial chain). They were fantastic. I wanted to touch it and feel how heavy things were. He also had some wooden sculptures and some ceramic, which I think would have been more interesting if I had known the process. I feel like so much contemporary art is lost on me because without knowing how they did something, I don’t feel like I can really appreciate it. But then again that’s me. There was also a lack of text in the exhibits to me. Ya know if the artist is still alive- have them write some important things down- instead of their blurb that’s like “space is important, I tried to play with our perception of space” good lord DUH. Things that artists are constantly blurbing about: self image, space, color, social norms, beauty. When ultimately you know that it came down to this for any artist “I thought this would look cool”. Then again I didn’t stay in the fine arts, so what would I know?

Other things that have happened: I was sick for exactly one day. It was the best head cold I’ve had. I felt like shit for about 18 hours. Most of those hours I was sleeping though. There had been one pretty cold night and with a fan on me it was headed for disaster. But I’m all better, thanks.

I recently got my Chicago public library card! Hooray! So I checked out a book from an author my mom recommended- it’s a murder mystery, which I do thoroughly enjoy. Every once in a while it’s to good to read something that you feel is important, that lets you know something about yourself or others. But most of the time I just want entertainment, where people are smart and all sleuthy and bad guys get caught.

Last night was the big Obama acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. It was good; it was strong. Showed a “bring it on” attitude that needed to be stated. I am happy that this election means so much; that people are really getting into it or at least feel passionate enough to talk to each other about it.

Right now I’m waiting for a package from my mom with essentials things for me to continue on in the city of Chicago. I still need to get my drivers license and register my car and stuff. Man that day’s gonna suck going to where ever I have to go. But waiting for this package is a pain. The way my apartment building is laid out is hard for deliverymen. It’s all gated so unless you’re the federal United States Postal Service, there’s really no way for you to get in. So I left a note by the front gate for them to call me. I just hope they see it and that they have a cell phone. Ugh!

This weekend is a 3 day weekend!!! It’s Labor Day on Monday, which Matt and I consider our anniversary. I’m not really one to remember exact dates especially when it comes to something like “oh we have a 7 month anniversary”- ew, get over it. Keeping your anniversary with a national holiday is easy and convenient; all you have to do is count years, none of this time-consuming month/day thing. So it’ll be our 3rd year as a couple. But what lays ahead for Becca and Matt? Well “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage,” or so grade school had informed me. But steps in between those: get a dog, get a bigger place, buy a DeLorean and own it if only for a couple of moths.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

politics- ick.

Let’s talk about politics. Just for a second. Because the democratic convention started, um yesterday, and that’s all that’s on the news.

A new poll stated the McCain and Obama were pretty much tied in ratings. Who did they poll? Are you kidding me. I don’t know how they perform these polls but I’ve got a suspicion that they might only be calling landlines. Land lines for crying out loud. How many voters are they missing out by not calling cell phones? A metric shit ton. My parents for instance, they have landlines at their loft in downtown Dallas and at their house in rural east Texas, but do they use those more than their cell phones? Hecks no. It’s just frustrating to hear the “results” of polls, and CNN to take them so seriously like they’re the gospel truth. No, CNN, you called 100 goofballs all around the country who are sitting next to their landlines during the daytime hours. Who do you think is picking up the phone?

Other thing that’s giving me the red ass, and I can’t believe this is still an issue. Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton vow to vote for McCain in November. Um, are you on drugs? How is that going to help anything? Jon Stewart said it best when he said that McCain was getting the all important spite voters. Honestly if someone was such a die-hard Clinton fan, generally that means you’re a die-hard democrat. If that’s not how it works then I don’t know what. It just boggles my mind.
I await my voter registration stuff in the mail, and dang it, I’m gonna vote. Not that it really would make a huge difference, voting for Obama in Chicago, IL is like… blowing on a salad to cool it off. Ya know?

Anyways. New website that is currently blowing my mind, It’s kind of amazing. It’s pretty much everything I’d ever want in a daily stop by and read sort of website. Random information that I could use sometime to tell someone about something. Perfect!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


My good friend Jami and I went to the beach on Wednesday. When in Chicago, you often forget that there are beaches. But there are and they’re delightful. Well anyways we first get there at 12 noon and look for a parking space for about 30 minutes, because, well, it’s downtown. And we were looking for free parking which is possible but you need to be a little lucky. So we ended up paying for parking but it was only 9 bucks for like 5 hours. So that’s good. Anyways we’re just sitting out in the sun, ya know, chit chatting like girls do. Which is pretty talking about how much we are awesome and everybody else is stupid. But that’s beside the point. We had sun block on… but that was not enough. We both got scorched, Jami got it worse. Hers was the worst on the back of her legs and back. I saw a picture… it was painfully just looking at it. I got mostly sunburned on the top of my legs. Which isn’t awful just really annoying.

So that explains why for the past two days I’ve been walking around in the apartment in my unders. Adding aloe vera and laying tea soaked hand towels on my legs. Pants hurt.

But anyways! It’s Friday! Hooray. And Matt just hooked up this old website that him and his high school friends put together and used pretty regularly. So all night he’s been online talking to them and looking at high school shenanigans through the wonder of the internet and then laughing to himself. And then he sends me a link to show me what he’s laughing at and I don’t get it. I mean I love Matt and there are a lot of things we have in common but high school is not one of them. They’re all goons, anyway.

So… living in Chicago is still going all right. We need groceries and more money. But all in due time I guess. Right now I’m focusing on aloe vera-ing my legs and trying not to be seen by the neighbors.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Trying to find a job is probably the most aggravating thing. I wish it was like back in the day were you just show up and they’re like “I love your moxy, kid” and then you’re hired. Oh well. It looks like I’m going be doing some temp work, I think it works out perfect. It’ll get me some experience and god knows maybe one of the companies will be like “I like your moxy” and hire me. all I know is that I want moxy to be part of the process.

“This Year” by The Mountain Goats. This song is so earnest and true. “I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me” who hasn’t been there? It’s the sort of thing that makes you incredibly hopeful and also completely heartbroken. Whew.

I woke up early with Matt this morning. After seeing him off, I watched the Today show. Now, I’m not a "home maker" or really an adult so maybe I just didn’t get it. But Matt Lauer and Al Roker are just too queer. And I’m not talking about being gay, they did a faux performance of “tandem men’s rhythmic gymnastics” that was just so odd. I knew it was supposed to be funny but instead it just made me cringe. I don’t know maybe I am the one who is getting too old for this shit. So I turned off the TV and took a nap. It was so great. Oh man. If naps weren’t such a waste of time I wouldn’t feel so bad. But they are and I do.

But the Olympics, huh? People are going crazy over them lately. I don’t know if it’s because the USA is doing pretty good, or I’ve just been that oblivious 4 years ago and then 4 years before that. But things I’ve learned from the Olympics:
Communist China is scary, sad and amazing.
People get pissed over gymnastics.
Michael Phelps is God on earth… in a Speedo body suit.
Bob Costas dyes his hair.
Jamaicans are fucking fast.

I watched Rushmore yesterday. I think definitely one of my favorites. “Yeah I was in the shit” “She was my Rushmore!” “Tell that Mick he just made my list of things to do today”

Oooh. Whew.

Monday, August 18, 2008

back from GREAT BEYOND

I decided to come back because a lot of things are changing. And I have some extra time now. I also have so many amazing ideas that I just HAVE to write them down.

Let’s ketchup.

Matthew, my dear matt, got a job with Motorola, they make cell phones, you know (and actually he just left for his first day of work!). So after receiving his job offer we have scrambled to move to the Chicago land area. His job is waaaaay up in a north suburb but we wanted to live closer to the city and to friends. Because we figure being with friends shouldn’t be as much work as going to work. So we ended up in Logan Square, real close to the blue line “L”. By the way how are you supposed to spell that? “The elevated train of Chicago Transit Authority.”

I’ve been living in Chicago for 2 weeks now. New address, new bank account, I need a new license and new plates for my car. I need a new job as well, and narrowing down that is seemingly impossible, suggestions are welcome. And I really need to start some laundry but first I need about 10 dollars in quarters.

This is the first time in a long time that I’m going to have more than one hour by myself, which hasn’t happened in a long time. I have to use this time wisely. By blogging? Apparently yes.

Let’s mustard:

Buddy Holly “Everyday”- Best song ever. It gets stuck in my head so easily. and singing a long the “hey ahey hey” or “faster than a rollercoaster”. Oh Buddy Holly.

Coconut Records “Nighttiming”- Jason Shwartzman’s solo project Coconut Records. I had no idea that this was him until about 5 days ago. I mean I know hw was in phantom planet but I had no idea he was writing songs. Honestly I love Nighttiming because it’s kind of a throw back, a disco pop rock, like candy.

Also just saw the 1987 film “Dragnet” starring Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks. and they have a rap song over the end credits. Which prompted the following scenario in my mind.

Me: Hello Mr. Hanks, thanks for this interview.
Hanks: you’re welcome.
Me: So in the 1987 film “Dragnet” you rap over the end credits. Who wrote those awesome rhymes? And what was it like recording that song? Did you know how awesome it would be later?
Hanks: ???

I don’t know what he would say but it’s a funny idea. There are a couple more questions for Mr. Hanks I would ask.
“In your older movies you were a lot more goofy, also I notice a lot more boobies in your movies from the 80’s- what happened to those type of movies? Are you too awesome for them?”
“’That Thing You Do’ was a great movie, I would dare to say a cult classic in my library. You co-wrote many of those songs that I, in all seriousness, could sing to you right now. Do you think you’ll write some more songs anytime soon?”
“If you could marry the moon/NASA, would you?”
“Who do you love more Ron Howard or Steven Spielberg?”
“Has this been a good interview? Or the best interview?”

So there you go. This is what I think about when it’s about 2 am I’m sleeplessly in bed awaiting to fall asleep and then wake up at 6:30, to see my little Matt off to work.
I’ve got some other grood (great +good =grood) questions for so many other people.

One last quotation for you from a St. Louis rapper Yung Ro:
“Yes I’m fresh, yes I’m clean, yes I’m rocking 200 dollar jeans.
Yes you thick, yes you bad, yes your boyfriend fiddin to be mad.
Yes I’m rich, I get cash, I like it when you shake it fast”