Saturday, August 23, 2008


My good friend Jami and I went to the beach on Wednesday. When in Chicago, you often forget that there are beaches. But there are and they’re delightful. Well anyways we first get there at 12 noon and look for a parking space for about 30 minutes, because, well, it’s downtown. And we were looking for free parking which is possible but you need to be a little lucky. So we ended up paying for parking but it was only 9 bucks for like 5 hours. So that’s good. Anyways we’re just sitting out in the sun, ya know, chit chatting like girls do. Which is pretty talking about how much we are awesome and everybody else is stupid. But that’s beside the point. We had sun block on… but that was not enough. We both got scorched, Jami got it worse. Hers was the worst on the back of her legs and back. I saw a picture… it was painfully just looking at it. I got mostly sunburned on the top of my legs. Which isn’t awful just really annoying.

So that explains why for the past two days I’ve been walking around in the apartment in my unders. Adding aloe vera and laying tea soaked hand towels on my legs. Pants hurt.

But anyways! It’s Friday! Hooray. And Matt just hooked up this old website that him and his high school friends put together and used pretty regularly. So all night he’s been online talking to them and looking at high school shenanigans through the wonder of the internet and then laughing to himself. And then he sends me a link to show me what he’s laughing at and I don’t get it. I mean I love Matt and there are a lot of things we have in common but high school is not one of them. They’re all goons, anyway.

So… living in Chicago is still going all right. We need groceries and more money. But all in due time I guess. Right now I’m focusing on aloe vera-ing my legs and trying not to be seen by the neighbors.

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