Tuesday, October 21, 2008

fire on spaulding

So I was coming back from dropping Matt off at the train station to go to work and I notice that the street looks foggy or something and I park and notice that a house across the street from our apartment building is billowing smoke. I had no idea what to do. There were already 3 people out in front of the house one girl on her cell phone. The other two were banging on the door and the windows- trying to see if anybody was home. I had no idea what to do. It was scary. The girl on her cell phone had already called the fire dept and you could hear sirens in the distance which was good. The guy who went to the back of the house, which you couldn’t even see from the alley way because of smoke, said “I got her” but I wasn’t sure if he had her or if he just saw who ever lived in the house. But then the fire dept showed up and got around to the back and found the fire in the basement. I couldn’t stay there and watch though I don’t like gawking. So I went back to my apartment to call Matt. And while I was watching from my window I saw them get the old woman out on a stretcher, thank god. I just hope there wasn’t any body else in there. I couldn’t see the front of the house from my window but it sounded like they were hacking down the door and broke some windows to get in or something. I don’t know, I haven’t gone out there again to see the end result. But MAN! That was the weirdest thing to see at 7:15 in the morning.

I wish I had more to tell about what happened but I just couldn’t allow myself to stand there and watch. I feel so helpless and guilty. Is that weird? Helpless because I can’t do more and guilty because I’m not TRYING to do more. But the professionals, fire fighters, were pretty awe inspiring when they showed up. Why does someone get into that? It just blows my mind. Could I do some thing so selfless? I hope so. I don’t really yearn for a chance to prove it but I would hope that I could be more “walk” than “talk”. But at the same time, today I just froze I didn’t know what to do or how to comprehend even where to start. In my defense though it was 7:15 and I was still wearing pajamas under my jacket and jeans. Whew, it was scary.

Now I feel like anything else I write about will be silly and insignificant. So I’ll stop there.

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