Monday, February 11, 2008

god hates robots. a lot.

So it’s been forever and I don’t know why but oh well.

Valentine’s day is coming up and I’ve made and mailed out some customized cards for all my friends. I thought they were pretty funny and I hope they like them too. I kind of wish I could make them take pictures of themselves with the cars because I put a lot of thought into them. I even made one for my parents and one for my brother. All of them are pure gold. I just hope they don’t remind some of my single friends that they are single, that’s not the point of Valentine’s Day to me anyways. It’s a day to love everybody you do love, and to get totally blitzed off chocolate. Oh my god! Watch out Walgreen’s I’m hitting up your 50% off on Feb. 15th hard core. Love love love! We truly are lovers of loving love.

What else, what else. This past weekend was fun- Thursday went out to Murphey’s had some brews and whatever. then on Friday went to a house party. Which I don’t think I’ve been to one of those in a long time. But it was fun; lots of talking with people who I guess are my friends. Then on Saturday we all went to a show, the band maritime. They were good but the venue was just awful. I always feel bad for good bands when they have to play to a small crowd in a shitting venue. Such a bummer. But anyways. And then Sunday was colder than god’s hate for robots. Oh my god and it’s still cold but ugh it makes me want it to be spring so bad.

Speaking of springtime I ordered some rain boots!! Also known as Wellington boots in the UK I guess. All my Internet shopping revealed this. Also trying to find any rain boots in my size was almost impossible. Having large women feet (though they are perfect proportional… I mean I don’t look like I’m walking on two giant canoes) it’s very hard to buy shoes anywhere. But between my mother and I we found some that I liked and were in my size. They’re pink and have brown tiny horses on them. When I get them I’ll take a picture for sure. I hope they get here soon and it rains or something. That’s bizarre to wish for rain when I do consider myself a sunshine type of person. But don’t we all buy clothes or shoes just so we can have them for that perfect situation, even if the situation typically isn’t desirable.

I watched a movie “History Boys”. A movie based on a play. The movie pretty much reminded me of how stupid I am and how according to the standards set in this movie I shouldn’t even have graduated high school in England, well at least in the 1980’s. Oh well, good thing I’ve finished school in the US and in the aught seven.

My mom said it was 80 over the weekend in Texas. I miss Texas; I miss my family. Awwwww… or maybe it’s just that I don’t like where I am right now… maybe. Just maybe. *nods head vigorously*

I love purple. It’s so beautiful.