Wednesday, October 24, 2007

a list of length

Things I’ve considered in the past two days or 20 minutes
1) I’ll never be skinny but maybe my “coolness” will make it seem like I don’t need to be skinny
2) I miss traveling for stupid reasons like concerts or because I COULD. I want that again.
3) My phone sucks balls and my brother is send me his old one so I can send my shit one to be replaced by Cingular or Samsung- both can be described as lackluster for the past month. But not the people they employ (thank you john the cell phone man) just the products and promises they make.
4) Making mix cd’s is immensely fun but quickly turns into “which of my children would I kill if I had to” because the cd only hold 1.2 hours of songs. Boo.
5) Working makes money but unless I can find a zen sort of place working also makes me very grumpy. It probably wouldn’t if I didn’t work more than 40 hours in 5 days or so on my feet- how do the full time sales associates do it?
6) Reading is fun(damental). I FINALLY finished “100 years of solitude” and was left with a burnt taste in my mouth. Burnt popcorn. Yes it is a book of human tragedy and triumph and stuff like that but I just don’t know. I guess I was expecting some glorious ending something that was nice- instead you’re left with a pig tailed baby eaten by ants. Spoiler alert? Whatever. Maybe it’s too Pulitzer for my feeble brain- I don’t mind.
7) I started and quickly need to finish (not that you asked) by steve almond. A delightful romp. I haven’t read any of his other books though. I already read most of it with the sections left about republicans and his baby to read. And I almost skipped ahead during the baseball chapter to read about the baby one. But I stuck it out because that’s who I am. A sticker outer.
8) I wait for Matt so much to be done with homework or something or other but I don’t know if it’s so much waiting for him or waiting for myself too. Hard to explain I guess. Living with boyfriend of 2 years is naturally great but also makes me immediately wish for more adult like surroundings. Although it terrifies me.
9) Even though I work in a Halloween costume store I still have no idea what I would or could possibly want to be for Halloween. And I kind of don’t care? Is that wrong? Well if I could pick a costume it’d be “I’m wearing pajamas out of the house so fuck off”
10) I have no idea how to grill a steak.
11) The sky at sunset today was beautiful I took pictures but my camera skewed the colors and they’re not right and Photoshop will fix them. But it was just gorgeous, the air was actually yellow.

Monday, October 22, 2007

a much needed day off

God diesel brand fragrance can suck it. Their commercial are awful. Ruggedly hansom men tell me whether or not I’m living- always with their shirts undone. Who cares? No I don’t drink the rain or run out of an old mansion without a shirt on. Idiot.

So new news! I started working at Dallas & Co. for the Halloween season. I started last week and it’s been nuts ever since. I told them I could work full time, which to them means close to 10 hours every day. So while I love helping sorority girls find slutty costume- it’s exhausting work. But it is cute to help someone find exactly what they wanted for a costume. They get so excited. My first couple of days were rough- not the work but afterwards. My feet hurt so bad- it’s been a long time since I’ve had to be on my feet for longer than like 4 hours at one time. And not just my feet are aching my whole body was revolting a couple of days ago. I came home from work (which is around 9 because that’s when we close) and I all of a sudden felt really chilled like I had a fever ya know? Where your hands and feet feel cold but your hot everywhere else and you just feel weird and wrong. Well yeah that’s how I felt and then I started being hot all over and sweating like I had broke the fever. But I had no other symptoms. But it all made me feel like poop. And it just sucks that it happened on a Saturday when I was all ready to do something. I think it has something to do with eating pretty healthily and regularly o eating rarely and very poorly. But we went to the grocery store last night and got some food that just might be good for me. I also think maybe part of it is having to handle people’s money with all their germs on them. So I’ve been taking more vitamin C than god and also a multivitamin.

And today is my first day off and I have another one tomorrow too. Exciting. So today I’m taking it real easy. I haven’t changed out of my comfortable pajama type clothes and I really don’t plan to unless I decide to walk to the library. That reminds me I have a lot of reading to do because some books are due in like 3 days and I can’t renew them! Also I requested some pretty silly things so I need to go pick those up too.

That’s all for now.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

friend dates

Aww. This commercial makes me excited for the Festivus festivities.

But at the same time I’ve been on two friend dates in the last 4 days. Jeff and I went to a movie and before hand some good ol’ stake and shake. And then went to dinner with Dan. Such goodness. I like the people that I hang out with.
Also talked to Sara for a long time on the phone on Monday (I think). And she said that she told Jami that I’m a good phone talker and I was so flattered. That’s such a compliment. To me.
Aw friends. We got the funk (and backpacks that are half the size of our whole body).

Friday, October 12, 2007

the mornings are mine.

So I’ve had to wake up a lot earlier for work than I think I ever had to for school. Which is fine except that I go to bed at like 2 am and then I crash at like 4 pm. So today is coffee. Lots of coffee. I refuse to fall asleep today! Also because of work my weekends don’t exist. I have more work in one Saturday than I do in probably all my weekdays. Anyways.

My cell phone has been seriously fucking up. It will turn off in the middle of nothing and it wont complete calls or it will drop calls even though I have full bars. Needless today it’s total shit and I can’t wait to get a new one. I think I might even mail it to the parents to get me a new one. But that means I’d be phone less for at least 3 days at a minimum. Which I don know if I can handle.

So again I’m watching mtv- boooo! But it’s Made which is probably the only quasi-quality show they make. And this one is about a whole family getting in shape. And one quote said during this episode is “Pain is weakness leaving the body”. WHAT? That’s so not true- pain is weakness in the body crying out and telling you to stop it. Everybody cries on mtv shows too. That’s one thing I’ve noticed- that and the incredible level of crap that is involved in making the shows.

I went to Curtis Orchards a while ago- it was great! I bought a pumpkin and a bag of apples- gold delicious. Yum. I also bought some caramel cups so to dip the apples into. Hehe. And the pumpkin will not be carved but will be decoratively set on the porch or front of the house… it was odd going to the place by myself but hen again I don’t have very many friends left to go to an orchard at 9 am.

In other news: I need to get my oil changed although it’ll cost me like 50 bucks- fuck you mini cooper and all your high performance-ness. I’m going to start taking care of my teeth better. It’s cold finally and I have to wear socks now. Socks! I’m reading “100 years of solitude” and I can’t wait to start “(not that you asked)”. New TV show “Pushing Daisies” makes me happy. So there you go.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?

So I thought I’d attempt to write an entry even though I’m exhausted and sunburn.
So yeah defiantly am having a f-ed up sleeping cycle but I can’t help it if I wake up at 6:30 am and then want to nap when I get home. And it also doesn’t help that roommate/bf also keeps ungodly hours with working on engineering stuff until 5 am.

So yesterday was Ryan birthday. Woot. Go Ryan, 23 is I imagine unimpressive and lame. But for his birthday we did go bowling which was great to play in real life instead of with a Wii. And I had made Ryan a big chocolate chip cookie that said “Happy Birthday Ryan, you’re 23! So here’s a giant cookie.” I hope it’s not too crunchy, I had to bake it long enough so it wouldn’t break as soon as I tried to get it off the pan. I like birthdays a lot, I wish more people made a big deal about them. It’s the ultimate personal holiday. But I understand that it’s hard to fund a big great birthday- but usually anything/ something is better than nothing on your birthday (or at least for MY birthday it is- or else you'll hear about it).

And so today is (soon to be was) Matt’s birthday! His parents came down which is always an experience. We went to the Illini Football game- amazing game. We beat Wisconsin who is ranked #5 in the country. So in short- Ron Zook is a Zeus and the players are deities of the pigskin. It was a lot of fun although it was hotter than ball sacks. And we got sunburn, but only on one side of our faces. It was so exciting and it’s dad’s weekend here at U of I so there were dads everywhere and the marching band spelled out dad and the cheerleaders' dads were dancing during half time too. It was just dad-cute all over. I called my dad at halftime to tell him to watch because he gets so excited over football and that was the extent of my celebration for dad's weekend.
But I digress, Matt’s birthday gifts from me included 1) a new watch! More grown up than his little digital one he’s had for probably 10 years. 2) cookies! I made matt some chocolate chip and pecan cookies (really for him and his parents to have during their visit). His parents brought lots of stuff for both of us- a new gas grill to cook on- which is awesome and makes me wish it was the beginning of the summer. They brought some kugel- a type of noodley Jew food. I don’t know what was in it but it ain’t bad! They brought a lot more food. I love it when parents visit and they bring or buy you paper napkins and like plastic silverware, as if we are constantly picnicking or hosting barbeque parties. His parents are the ones who got us the football tickets and they also went to the hockey game (I stayed home and took a much wanted nap instead of going to the hockey game because I know that the team we were playing were not very good therefore making the game less interesting). Other than that we’ve been sitting around our apartment and watching even more sports on tv (I don’t know how men do it- watch various sports all day, “It's like you're unraveling a big cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting...”)

And now I just spent 10 minutes reading all the Pee wee’s Big Adventure movie quotes. I love that movie I want it on dvd, even though it’s on tv every other day. Oh I bought jungle book on dvd- it’s maybe my second favorite Disney movie...maybe.

Oh I also dyed my hair dark brown, its real dark; darker than I thought it’d be but I like it. I would just be nice if the weather was cold so I could wear it down for a change and show it off.

Tomorrow is going to be a long one. Lots and lots of pet sitting jobs which is fine because all the pets are nice and sweet and a delight. Just waking up at 6:30 am is no delight.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

i hate my bed

here it is.. 5:30 am-ish. and i can't get to sleep. i hate this, it's been like this for a while i dont know how i got started on this horrible sleeping pattern. it just pisses me off that i can't go to sleep and then i can't go to sleep even more. so my plan is to stay awake until i feel tired then when i have to wake up at 7:30 in the morning- i'll make coffee and not go back to sleep until tomorrow night where hopefully i will have no problem falling asleep and STAYING asleep. god this sucks. so now i'm going to read more about the marx brothers in a book i got from the library and try not to think about how much i hate my brain and my body and my bed and my soft pillows. it's time for a revolution- i will be in control of myself and this sleepless business has got to stop.