Monday, October 22, 2007

a much needed day off

God diesel brand fragrance can suck it. Their commercial are awful. Ruggedly hansom men tell me whether or not I’m living- always with their shirts undone. Who cares? No I don’t drink the rain or run out of an old mansion without a shirt on. Idiot.

So new news! I started working at Dallas & Co. for the Halloween season. I started last week and it’s been nuts ever since. I told them I could work full time, which to them means close to 10 hours every day. So while I love helping sorority girls find slutty costume- it’s exhausting work. But it is cute to help someone find exactly what they wanted for a costume. They get so excited. My first couple of days were rough- not the work but afterwards. My feet hurt so bad- it’s been a long time since I’ve had to be on my feet for longer than like 4 hours at one time. And not just my feet are aching my whole body was revolting a couple of days ago. I came home from work (which is around 9 because that’s when we close) and I all of a sudden felt really chilled like I had a fever ya know? Where your hands and feet feel cold but your hot everywhere else and you just feel weird and wrong. Well yeah that’s how I felt and then I started being hot all over and sweating like I had broke the fever. But I had no other symptoms. But it all made me feel like poop. And it just sucks that it happened on a Saturday when I was all ready to do something. I think it has something to do with eating pretty healthily and regularly o eating rarely and very poorly. But we went to the grocery store last night and got some food that just might be good for me. I also think maybe part of it is having to handle people’s money with all their germs on them. So I’ve been taking more vitamin C than god and also a multivitamin.

And today is my first day off and I have another one tomorrow too. Exciting. So today I’m taking it real easy. I haven’t changed out of my comfortable pajama type clothes and I really don’t plan to unless I decide to walk to the library. That reminds me I have a lot of reading to do because some books are due in like 3 days and I can’t renew them! Also I requested some pretty silly things so I need to go pick those up too.

That’s all for now.

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